Kentucky Populated Places 'p' List


Kentucky Populated Places Alphabetical Index

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Kentucky "P" Populated Places

 Additions and/or corrections to the database are encouraged! Simple Add/Edit Procedure.

Populated Place - Place or area with clustered or scattered buildings and a permanent human population (city, settlement, town, village). A populated place is usually not incorporated and by definition has no legal boundaries. However, a populated place may have a corresponding "civil" record, the legal boundaries of which may or may not coincide with the perceived populated place. Distinct from Census and Civil classes.
Displaying 1 to 75 of 94 records Next 75 Records
Name County
Pack McLean
Paint Creek Powell
Painters Lick Magoffin
Palestine Christian
Palestine Calloway
Palestine McCracken
Paoli Clinton
Paradise Simpson
Paradise Muhlenberg
Parina Bracken
Park Estill
Park Lake Resort Fleming
Park Valley Clay
Parson Campground Logan
Pates Daviess
Pauline Logan
Pea Ridge Fleming
Pea Ridge Estill
Peanut Muhlenberg
Peckenpaugh Meade
Pecks Creek Powell
Peeble Bath
Pekin Jessamine
Pelham Branch Adair
Pence Branch Wolfe
Pennick Todd
Penns Chapel Warren
Peoples Corner Lincoln
Perry Christian
Perry Bend Morgan
Perryville Tollgate Mercer
Peter Trace Menifee
Petersburgh Simpson
Peytons Montgomery
Pigeon Roost Pike
Piggville Powell
Pikesville Monroe
Pilot Knob Warren
Pine Flat Jackson
Pine Grove Jackson
Pine Grove Bath
Pine Grove Menifee
Pine Grove Lincoln
Pine Grove Casey
Pine Hill Montgomery
Pine Ridge Clark
Piney Grove Caldwell
Ping Point Mason
Pittsburgh Bath
Pleasant Grove Anderson
Pleasant Grove Logan
Pleasant Grove McCracken
Pleasant Grove Crittenden
Pleasant Hill Crittenden
Pleasant Hill Hopkins
Pleasant Hill Muhlenberg
Pleasant Neighborhood Owsley
Pleasant Point Lincoln
Pleasant Ridge Campbell
Pleasant Ridge Lawrence
Pleasant Run Marion
Pleasant Run Logan
Pleasant Union Carroll
Pleasant Valley Clay
Pleasant Valley Marshall
Pleasant View Hopkins
Plum Creek Campbell
Plum Lick Montgomery
Plum Run Nelson
Poages Boyd
Pogue Knox
Pogue Logan
Pond Lincoln
Poplar Grove Cumberland
Poplar Ridge Trimble
Page 1 2 Next 75 Records
